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Using a Paint Roller

A paint roller is a great tool to help add a fresh coat of paint to your walls and ceilings. When used correctly, a paint roller can make painting faster, more efficient, and dramatically reduce the amount of time needed. Here’s how to use a paint roller for a smooth and even finish:

  1. Prepare the area to be painted. Make sure the walls are clean, or the new paint won’t adhere properly. If cleaning isn’t enough, lightly sand the wall to provide a smooth, even surface on which to paint.
  2. Pour the paint into a roller tray and roll the roller into the pan, coating it evenly. Make sure to remove any excess paint in order to achieve a smoother finish.
  3. Roll the paint onto the wall, beginning at the top and working down. Work in small sections, starting in an upper corner and rolling from the ceiling to the baseboard. After rolling, go back over the area with the roller, spreading the paint evenly.
  4. For a professional result, fill any holes or gaps with spackle or filler, use painter’s tape to outline the areas you don’t want painted, and use a brush to get close to corners and edges.
  5. When all is dry, remove the painter’s tape. And admire your handiwork!

You’re now ready to start painting like a professional. Follow these steps, and you’ll be sure to achieve impressive results quickly and easily.

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