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How to Endure Roller Coasters if You Hate Them

Do you find yourself feeling anxious when faced with the thought of riding a roller coaster? While some people absolutely love that feeling of thrill and excitement that comes with experiencing rapid changes in heights, speeds and directions, others may find it incredibly nerve wracking and unbearable to endure. All is not lost, though, if you are not a fan of roller coasters. Here’s what you can do:

  • Take deep breaths and focus on your breath — this will help you to relax and center yourself.
  • Listen to calming music as you ride the roller coaster. This will help to distract you and make the experience more pleasant.
  • Keep in mind that roller coasters have been designed for maximum safety and you are unlikely to experience any accidents.
  • Always make sure to secure any loose items as the ride may take some unexpected twists and turns.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of roller coasters such as the sense of adventure and the amazing views you are able to take in from high altitude.
  • Take on the ride one step at a time and don’t think too far ahead. This will help keep the anxiety at bay.
  • If you still feel incredibly scared, consider having a friend or family member accompany you; this will help to alleviate some of your anxiety.

Remember, roller coasters can be intimidating at first, but with a positive mindset and some helpful preparation, you may find that the experience is much more enjoyable than you have imagined. So take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

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