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How to Use a Paint Roller Without Making Marks or Streaks

Painting a wall can be a great way to add personality and refresh the look of your home. But often, when painting with a roller, it can be difficult to avoid making streaks or marks on the painted surface. Fortunately, with a few simple tips, you can learn how to use a paint roller without making marks or streaks.


  1. Prepare the roller tray and use the right roller. Before you start painting, fill your roller tray and use a roller that is the right size for the surface you intend to paint.
  2. Use the right amount of paint. Avoid adding too much paint to your roller, and make sure to evenly spread the paint out with your brush.
  3. Roll the paint on in a criss-cross pattern. Begin by applying paint in a criss-cross pattern, rolling top to bottom and side to side. Apply enough pressure to ensure the paint is being applied smoothly and evenly.
  4. Reduce the pressure and roll in one smooth motion. After you have filled the wall with the criss-cross pattern, reduce the amount of pressure on the roller and roll it up and down in one smooth motion to even out any streaks or marks.
  5. Keep a wet edge to avoid lap marks. As you move from one section of the wall to the next, overlap the edges of the two sections to ensure a wet edge, which will create a seamless transition between the two sections and prevent lap marks.
  6. Wait for the paint to dry and touch up any mistakes. Once your painting project is complete, wait for the paint to dry before adding any touch-ups or corrections.
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