
Solve "Spotify Can't Play This Right Now"

At times Spotify may encounter an error while playing a song or playlist. If you run into the error message "Spotify Can't Play This Right Now," follow the below steps to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Check Your Connection

The first step to resolving this issue is to make sure your streaming device is properly connected to the internet. Check that your network connection is active, and restart it if necessary. If you're still unable to connect, try switching networks.

Step 2: Check Your Account Status

If you're using a computer, make sure you are logged in properly. Also, check your account status, as a limited account may not allow you to access the full catalog of content.

Step 3: Reload the App

Reload the Spotify app to see if that solves the issue. To do this, quit and restart the app, or on a mobile device, force quit and then relaunch.

Step 4: Clear Data or Cache

For more persistent errors, try clearing the application cache and/or data. On an Android device, this can be done in the app settings. On an Apple device, you'll need to uninstall and reinstall the app.

Step 5: Try It Again

Once you’ve gone through the above steps, try playing the song or playlist again. If you get the same “Spotify Can’t Play This Right Now” message, try the steps again. Alternately, try playing a different song or playlist instead.