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How to Sign in to Your Linksys Router

Setting up your Linksys router can be a straightforward and convenient task when done properly. To get started, you'll need to sign in to your router using its web-based setup page.

  1. Connect your router.To log in to your router, you'll first need to connect the router to your computer via ethernet cable or wireless connection.
  2. Open a web browser.Open a web browser on your device, such as Google Chrome, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
  3. Type in the router's address.Type the router's IP or web address into the browser address bar. The address should be similar to "". If the address doesn't work, check your router's manual or user guide for the correct IP address.
  4. Enter your credentials.Once you've typed in the address, you'll be prompted to enter your router's username and password. Check the router's manual or user guide for these credentials, as they will vary depending on your router.
  5. Access your router.Once entered, you should successfully be logged into your router. You should now be able to access its features and settings.
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Logging in to Your Linksys Router

Accessing the Linksys router web-based setup page allows you to change the router's settings, set up security, and adjust basic network settings. All you need to do to get started is connect the Linksys router to your modem or network and follow these simple steps.

  • Gather Requirements: Be sure to have your internet connection, modem (if applicable), and the Linksys router power adapter and cable ready.
  • Connect the Device: Plug the power adapter into the back of the Linksys router then connect the other end of the adapter to a power outlet. Next, use the Ethernet cable to connect the Linksys router to the modem or network.
  • Power Up: On the back of the Linksys router, locate the power switch and turn it on.
  • Open Configuration Page: On a device connected to the router's network, open a web browser and enter the IP address “” in the address bar.
  • Log in: Unless you previously changed it, the default username is “admin” and the default password is “admin.” Select “Log In” and you are in!

You are now logged into the router's web-based setup page. Here, you are able to customize any settings on the router or manage its different features.

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