
Print One Image on Multiple Pages on PC or Mac

If you're looking for a way to print a single image onto multiple pages, you can do so easily using your computer. Whether you are using a PC or a Mac, the steps required are similar and will allow you to obtain a large size image or a poster with one image.


  1. Find the image on your computer and use the mouse to select it. Right-click and select “Print” from the drop down list.
  2. From the print dialogue box, select “Page Setup” and click “Custom” from the “Paper Size” options.
  3. Set the new custom paper size by adjusting the page width, page length, and margins. You can also enable “Scale to Fit Paper” at this step.
  4. Select “Print” to print out your image. It will now be printed to multiple pages.


  1. Find the image on your computer and click it to select it. Go to “File” and select “Print”.
  2. On the print dialogue box, select “Layout” and choose “Custom” from the “Paper Size” options.
  3. Setting the new custom paper size by adjusting the page width, page length, and margins. You also select “Scale to Fit Paper” if you don’t want to adjust the size manually.
  4. Select “Print” to print out your image. It will now be printed to multiple pages.