
Printing in Black and White on an Epson Printer

If you need to print documents in black and white on an Epson printer, there are several ways to do so, and all of them are simple and straightforward.

Using Your Printer Settings

If you are using the printer’s control panel, you can change the print settings to black and white only. To do this:

  • Navigate to the printer’s settings screen, usually located in the "printer preferences" tab, and select “black and white”.
  • Confirm that you want to print in black and white by selecting “yes” or “OK”.

Using the Printer Driver Settings

In some cases, you may need to adjust the printer driver settings to print in black and white. To do this:

  • Open the printer driver window and select “black and white”.
  • Confirm your selection by selecting “yes” or “OK”.

Using Advanced Settings (In Epson Printers)

For more granular control, you may need to use Epson's advanced settings. To do this:

  • Navigate to the “settings” tab and select “black and white”.
  • Choose a resolution and quality setting that suits your needs.
  • Confirm your selection by selecting “yes” or “OK”.

Printing in Black and White Only on Epson Printers

Printing in black and white only doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming. If you have an Epson printer, following these easy steps will ensure you get good-quality black and white prints in no time.


  1. Open your document on your computer, then click the “Print” icon.
  2. Select your Epson printer from your list of printers.
  3. Navigate to the “Preferences” or “Properties” tab. It’s usually located in the bottom left corner of the pop up box.
  4. Look for an option titled “Color/Grayscale” and select “Black/Grayscale”.
  5. Check “Print in Grayscale” and/or “Print in Black”, depending on your printer’s settings.
  6. Click “OK” or “Print” to print your document in black and white.


  • Make sure you don’t select printing in color accidentally, as it will print in color even if you have set it to print in black and white.
  • Your printer might have an “Output Quality” option that allows you to select “Text/Graphics” or “Text + Photo”. Selecting either of these options will ensure you get good-quality black and white prints.
  • Some Epson models offer a “Black/Grayscale Print Only” option which automatically prints documents in black and white without needing to select the correct settings.