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Simple Steps to Cut Blinds

Whenever you buy new blinds, it's best to cut them down to fit your window so that they can give you the perfect look. But how do you go about doing that? Follow these steps to cut blinds for your window in a few easy steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Marker or pencil
  • Scissors

Step One: Measure Blinds

Measure the exact dimensions of your window before you decide to purchase any blinds. Knowing the exact size of your window will help pick the best type of blind for you. Once you buy the blind, measure it and take necessary actions if required, like cutting.

Step Two: Mark the Measurement

Mark the area where you need to cut, using a marker or a pencil. Make sure you measure the area twice and mark accordingly.

Step Three: Cut the Blinds

Boxcutters, hedge cutters, or even scissors can be used to cut blinds. Make sure to cut straight and double check to make sure your cut is on the marks. It's also recommended to wear protective glasses to avoid any injuries while cutting.

Step Four: Hang your Blinds

Once your blinds are cut the way you want, it's time to hang them. Most blinds come with instructions on how to install them. Follow the instructions, and you're done.

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