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How to Make a Simple Electrical Circuit

Making a simple electrical circuit is a great way to introduce children to basic electricity. In addition to teaching basic concepts, wiring a circuit can be a fun and creative outlet for kids. All you will need is a few common items and some patience.

Materials Needed:

  • 1 light bulb
  • 1 battery
  • 1 bulb holder
  • Paper clips or thin wire


  • Attach the bulb holder to one end of the battery.
  • Attach one paper clip to the other end of the battery.
  • Attach the other paper clip to the bulb holder.
  • Insert the light bulb into the bulb holder.
  • Turn the switch on the battery.
  • The light bulb should now light up.

Congratulations! You have successfully made a simple electrical circuit!

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Creating a Simple Electrical Circuit

Building a simple electrical circuit is an easy task that anyone can do. With the help of a few basic components and tools, you can make a circuit that will allow electrical current to flow and turn on a light.


  1. Gather the components. You will need the following components to make your circuit:
    • Electrical wire
    • Battery
    • LED
    • Small lightbulb
  2. Make the connections. You will need to make several connections to make the circuit. Connect the negative end of the battery to the LED. Then, attach the positive end to the lightbulb. Finally, connect the electrical wire to the LED and lightbulb.
  3. Test the circuit. Turn on the battery to see if current flows through the circuit. If the LED and lightbulb turn on, the circuit is complete!
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