
How to Help Someone Who is Thinking About Committing Suicide

If someone you know is feeling suicidal, the best thing you can do is listen. Let them talk, and don't judge them for how they are feeling. You don't necessarily have to have all the answers, or even solutions – just a willingness to be present and willing to listen to what they need from you at that moment can often be enough.

Taking Action to Help

Provide resources: Connecting the person to supportive resources like counseling and therapy can be extremely helpful. It is important to create a safety plan and ensure that the person has access to emergency help and support on hand.

Be supportive: Reach out and strive to understand the other person’s perspective, even if there is disagreement. Offer words of encouragement along with empathy and reassurances that this feeling will pass.

Create a safe space: Do all you can to create a safe space for your loved one. Make sure that they feel loved and that you are ready to help, no matter where their emotions are at. Do not complain or scoff, or insinuate that the person is weak.

Additional Tips to Help Someone in Need

  • Be patient - Listening is the single most important thing you can do for someone contemplating suicide. The individual is likely in a lot of pain, and may need a safe outlet.
  • Validate their feelings - Let them know that their feelings of sadness and hopelessness are valid instead of dismissing or minimizing them, and assure them that they are not alone.
  • Remind them of other options - Talk with them about alternatives to suicide or self-injury. Show them that they can survive the bad times and help them find hope. Encourage them to get help and offer to accompany them to counseling sessions or support groups.