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How to Break Up With Someone Who Is Threatening Suicide

Breaking up with someone who is threatening suicide can be a difficult and heartbreaking process. It is important to remember that you are not responsible for the suicidal thoughts of the other person. If the relationship has become unhealthy, it may be best to part ways in order to ensure the best chances for both parties to move forward in a positive and healthy manner.


  1. Understand the situation. If your partner is threatening suicide, it is important to take the situation seriously and realize how serious the circumstance can be. Consider speaking with a mental health professional prior to ending the relationship.
  2. Be patient and compassionate. Breaking up is usually a difficult experience for both parties, especially if your partner is dealing with suicidal thoughts. Be prepared for emotions to be heightened and for there to be a lot of back-and-forth conversation.
  3. Choose the right time and place. Make sure to pick a time that is right for you both to engage in this conversation. Select a place where there will be minimal interruptions and distractions.
  4. Remain compassion and understanding. Acknowledge your partner's feelings and express your wishes for their wellbeing. Try not to lean on strength-based language as it may be seen as dismissive and can come across as callous. Let your partner know that even though you are ending the relationship, you care about them and want the best for them.
  5. Seek professional help. If your partner is exhibiting suicidal behavior, make sure to encourage them to seek professional help. This can include counseling, therapy, support groups, and other forms of emotional and psychological aid.
  6. Take care of yourself. After ending a relationship, it is important to take care of your own mental health. Consider talking to a therapist, journaling, or engaging in some sort of activity to take care of yourself and your well-being.
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