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How to Prevent a Suicide

Suicide is a serious problem that affects people of all ages, and should not be taken lightly. Fortunately, by understanding the risk factors and warning signs, you can learn to identify someone at risk for suicide and take action to help and protect them.


  • Take any warning signs seriously. Warning signs of suicide include talking about wanting to die, feeling hopeless, having no purpose, increasing use of drugs and/or alcohol, withdrawing from friends and family, excessive anger, recklessness, and mood swings.
  • Have an open conversation. Ask questions in a non-judgmental and caring way, such as “Are you thinking of hurting yourself?” or “Have you been feeling like life isn’t worth living?”.
  • Listen and validate. Validate their feelings without arguing and let them know that someone is there for them. Avoid using language such as “you should not feel that way” or “it can’t be that bad,” as it can be seen as invalidating the other person’s feelings.
  • Create a safety plan. Work together to create an action plan on what to do in case of an emergency. This can include having someone to call, limiting access to lethal items, or attending an emergency counseling session.
  • Encourage the individual to seek help. Suggest to the person at risk of suicide to seek professional help. Offer to take them to get help, and if they are willing, stay with them and try providing emotional support during the visit.
  • Encourage healthy coping strategies. Encourage the individual to find healthy ways to cope and process their emotions. This can include physical activity, meditation, or activities that are known to make them happy.
  • Follow up. Make sure to check in with the individual to ensure that they are doing better and have their safety plan. If needed, encourage them to seek ongoing support to manage their emotions.
  • Know when to call the authorities. If the person is in an immediate risk of harming themselves or others, do not hesitate to call an emergency number.
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