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Tricks to Trick Your Parents Into Believing You're Good

If you want your parents to have faith in your character and trust in your decisions, there are a few seemingly simple tricks to help convince them that you are a responsible and trustworthy person.

  • Choose your words carefully. Use salvaging phrases like “I understand your point of view” or “I respect your decision” in order to show maturity and humility. An open-minded outlook will encourage parents to trust your decisions.
  • Be proactive and take responsibility. Offer to help out around the house and take on more chores. By showing a sense of ownership and helping out, your parents will know that you are a responsible person who can be trusted.
  • Put in the extra effort. Doing your best in school or at work will show initiative and interest in your endeavors. Putting thought and effort into things you want to improve on is a great way to show maturity.
  • Remain honest and communicative. Be clear and open with your parents, letting them know about your plans. This shows that you are dependable and you have nothing to hide.
  • Value their opinion. If your parents have an idea that values their wisdom. Ask them about it and listen to their advice.