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Signs Someone is Thinking About You

It's natural to want to know when someone is thinking about you. While there's no surefire way to tell when someone is thinking about you, there are signs that may indicate that someone is thinking about you. Consider the following signs to see if someone may be thinking about you:

  • If you receive a text or call from someone out of the blue, it could be a sign that they've been thinking about you.
  • If you notice someone acting strangely or differently around you, it might be because they're thinking about you.
  • If someone starts having more physical contact with you, like lingering hugs or touches, it may be because they're thinking about you.
  • If someone's eyes wander towards you when you're not looking, they may be stealing glances because they're thinking about you.
  • If someone tells you that they've been having dreams about you, it's likely because they've been thinking about you.

While these are all potential signs that someone is thinking about you, they don't necessarily guarantee that someone is thinking about you. The best way to find out is to ask the person directly.