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V (HCl) = 25 mL (volume) ρ (HCl) = 1 g/ml (density) M (HCl) = 36.5 g/mol (you can`t write 36.48, it`s wrong) n (HCl) - ? (moles) Solution: First way: ρ = m / V (mass / volume), so m = ρ * V m (HCl) = 1 g/ml * 25 mL = 25 g n = m / M n (HCl) = 25 g / 36.5 g/mol = 0.685 mol If you need to find molarity: с (molarity) = n / V (moles of solute / liters of solution) molarity (HCl) = 0.685 mol / 0.025 L = 27.4 mol/L (27.4 M) Second way (the way, which you need): molarity (HCl) = 1 000 g/L / (36.5 g/mol) = 27.4 mol/L (27.4 M), so n (HCl) = c (molarity) * V = 27.4 mol/L * 0.025 mol = 0.685 mol
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