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Volume of H2SO4, (V1) = 25ml

Strength of NaOH = 0.0965 m

For the titration purpose Normal strength of NaOH will used


Normally of the NaOH = (0.0965×no. of OHin 1 molicule of NaOH)

=( 0.0965×1 ) N

= 0.0965 N

Normally of the NaOH, S2 =0.0965 N

Volume of NaOH takes,V2 = 17.83ml

Let, the normal strength of H2SO4 = S1 N

For Acid base neutralization reaction,

V1S1 = V2S2

Or, S1 = (V2S2/V1)

= ( 0.0965 N ×17.83 ml )/25 ml

= 0.0688 N

For H2SO4

Normal strength= ( molarity × no. of proton in it )

Or, Normal strength= ( molarity × 2 )

Or, molarity = (normal strength/2)

Or, molarity =( 0.0688/2 ) M

= 0.0344 M

Hence, molarity of H2SO4 = 0.0344 M

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