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2HCL = 2mol

Ba(OH)2 = 1mol

BaCl2 = 1 mol

2H2O = 2mol

Molar Mass BaCL2 = 208.23g/mol

Molar Mass of Ba(OH)2 = 171.34g/mol

Using the ratio

(208.3g/mol Bacl2/ 171.34Ba(OH)2) ×50

= 60.78557

= 60.79 Bacl2

Molar Mass of HCl = 36.458g/mol

2HCL = 72.916 g/mol

(208.3g/mol Bacl2/72.916g/mol)× 80

228.207g +60.79g

= 288.998 g of BaCl2

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