
Angular Motion of a Rod with Beads

(a) Instantaneous Angular Velocity at $ t = 5 $ s:

We'll differentiate the angular position function with respect to time:

\[ \omega = \frac{d\theta}{dt} = \frac{d}{dt} (20.0 t^2) \]

(b) Angular Acceleration:

We'll differentiate the angular velocity function with respect to time:

\[ \alpha = \frac{d\omega}{dt} \]

(c) Tangential Speeds of the Beads at $ t = 5 $ s:

We'll calculate the tangential speeds using the formula:

\[ v = r \omega \]

(d) Tangential Accelerations of the Beads at $ t = 5 $ s:

We'll calculate the tangential accelerations using the formula:

\[ a_t = r \alpha \]

(e) Centripetal Accelerations of the Beads at $ t = 5 $ s:

We'll calculate the centripetal accelerations using the formula:

\[ a_c = \frac{v^2}{r} \]