
Angular and Linear Acceleration of a Wind Turbine

(a) Angular Acceleration ($ \alpha $):

We can calculate the angular acceleration using the formula:

\[ \alpha = \frac{\Delta \omega}{\Delta t} \]

Given that the turbine slows down from 0.5 rev/s to 0 rev/s in 10 seconds:

\[ \Delta \omega = 0 \, \text{rev/s} - 0.5 \, \text{rev/s} = -0.5 \, \text{rev/s} \] \[ \Delta t = 10 \, \text{s} \]

Now, let's calculate $ \alpha $.

(b) Centripetal Acceleration ($ a_c $):

We can calculate the centripetal acceleration using the formula:

\[ a_c = r \alpha \]

Given that the length of the blades is $ r = 20 $ m, and using the calculated value of $ \alpha $, we can find $ a_c $.

(c) Total Linear Acceleration ($ a_{\text{total}} $):

At $ t = 0 $ s, the tangential acceleration is zero, so $ a_{\text{total}} $ is equal to the centripetal acceleration.