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This is an example of , which states that the volume of a given amount of a gas is directly proportional to its Kelvin temperature. The formula to use for this law is $V_1/T_1=V_2/T_2$.

$V_1="100.0 L"$
$T_1="273 K"$
$V_2="50.0 L"$


Rearrange the formula to isolate $T_2$. Substitute the given values into the formula and solve.



$T_2=(273"K" xx 50.0cancel"L")/(100.0cancel"L")$

$T_2="136.5 K"="137 K"$ rounded to three

The proportionality between volume and temperature can be easily seen in this problem. As the volume decreased by half, the Kelvin temperature decreased by half.

A very good tutorial on the can be found at .

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