
The final pressure will double as well.

If you use the equation, $PV = nRT$, to express the initial and the final states of your gas sample, you can write something like this

$P_1V_1 = n_1 * R * T_1$ $->$ the initial state; (1)
$P_2V_2 = n_2 * R * T_2$ $->$ the final state;

You also know that the volume doubles, which means that $V_2 = 2 * V_1$, the number of moles doubles, $n_2 = 2 * n_1$, and the temperature doubles, $T_2 = 2 * T_1$. Use these equalities into the equation that describes the final state

$P_2 * 2 * V_1 = 2 * n_1 * R * 2 * T_1$ (2)

Divide equation (1) by equation (2) and you'll get

$P_1/(2 * P_2) = (n_1 * R * T_1)/(2 * n_1 * R * 2 * T_1)$

$P_1/( 2 * P_2) = 1/4 => 2 * P_2 = 4 * P_1 => P_2 = 2 * P_1$

Therefore, the pressure doubles as well. Finally, the answer makes sense because the temperature and the number of moles will each double the pressure, but the fact that the volume doubles as well will cancel one of these effects out.

If the volume would have stayed the same, the pressure would have increased 4 times - 2 times because the temperature doubled and 2 times more because the number of moles doubled.