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The actual yield is a term used to describe the amount of product that is actually produced by a given chemical reaction.

By comparison, the theoretical yield is a term we use to denote the amount of product that could be produced by a given chemical reaction.

In other words, the theoretical yield corresponds to the case in which a reaction produces the maximum amount of a product given a certain amount of reactants.

Now, the is a measure of the difference between what we could get and what we actually get. Simply put, a reaction's percent yield tells us how much product we actually get for every $"100 g"$ of product that we could theoretically get.

$color(blue)(ul(color(black)("% yield" = "what we actually get"/"what we could theoretically get" xx 100%)))$

In this case, you know that the theoretical yield for given reaction is equal to $"100. g"$ and that its percent yield is equal to $70.0%$.

This means that for every $"100 g"$ of product that could theoretically be produced, we only get $"70.0 g"$.

Therefore, you can say that the actual yield is equal to

$color(darkgreen)(ul(color(black)("actual yield = 70.0 g")))$

Notice that you get the same result by using the equation

$70.0% = "actual yield"/"100. g" xx 100%$

Rearrange to find

$"actual yield" = (70.0 color(red)(cancel(color(black)(%))) * color(blue)(cancel(color(black)(100.))) "g")/(color(blue)(cancel(color(black)(100.)))color(red)(cancel(color(black)(%)))) = color(darkgreen)(ul(color(black)("70.0 g")))$

The answer is rounded to three .

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