
Since $950$ $"g"$ is the desired mass of $"CS"_2$, and the is $86%$, the theoretical yield of $"CS"_2$ is

$950$ $"g CS"_2"$ $xx 100/86 = ul(1107color(white)(l)"g CS"_2$

Now, let's convert this value to moles, using the molar mass of carbon disulfide:

$1107cancel("g CS"_2)((1color(white)(l)"mol CS"_2)/(76.14cancel("g CS"_2))) = color(red)(14.5$ $color(red)("mol CS"_2$

Now, we use the coefficients of the chemical equation to find the relative number of moles of $"C"$:

$color(red)(14.5)cancel(color(red)("mol CS"_2))((3color(white)(l)"mol C")/(1cancel("mol CS"_2))) = color(green)(43.5$ $color(green)("mol C"$

Finally, we use the molar mass of coke (carbon) to find the mass:

$color(green)(43.5)cancel(color(green)("mol C"))((12.011color(white)(l)"g C")/(1cancel("mol C"))) = color(blue)(ul(523color(white)(l)"g C"$

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