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A reaction's is simply the number of grams of a product that you actually get for every $"100 g"$ of said product that you could theoretically get.

The number of grams of a product that can theoretically be obtained by a reaction is called the theoretical yield. This value is calculated using stoichimetry and assuming that the raction has a $100%$ yield.

The number of grams of a product that are actually produced by a reaction is called the actual yield. This value is detemined experimentally, i.e. by actually doing the reaction.

In your case, the reaction has a theoretical yield of $"65.3 g"$ and an actual yield of $"56.3 g"$.

Since your goal is to determine the number of grams produced for every $"100 g"$ that could theoretically be produced, you can use this ratio as a conversion factor

$100 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g theoretically"))) * "56.3 g actually"/(65.3color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g theoretically")))) = "86.2 g actually"$

Thsi means that the reaction has a percent yield of

$color(darkgreen)(ul(color(black)("% yield = 86.2%")))$

For every $"100 g"$ of product that could be produced, the reaction produces $"86.2 g"$ of product.

The answer is rounded to the .

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