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You'd use the equation that establishes a relationship between energy and wavelength, which looks like this

$E = h * c/(lamda)$, where

$lamda$ - the wavelength of the photon;
$c$ - the speed of light, usually given as $3 * 10^(8)"m/s"$;
$h$ - , equal to $6.626 * 10^(-34)"J s"$

Plug the value you were given for the energy of the photon in the above equation to get the wavelength

$E = h * c/(lamda) => lamda = (h * c)/E$

$lamda = (6.626 * 10^(-34)cancel("J")cancel("s") * 3 * 10^(8)"m"cancel("s"^(-)))/(1.257 * 10^(-24)cancel("J")) = color(green)(1.581 * 10^(-1)"m")$

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