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Let us calculate the frequency $nu$ of the photon.
We have the expression between the velocity of light in vacuum $c=nuxxlambda$
or $nu=c/lambda$......(1)

where $lambda$ is the wave-length of the electromagnetic radiation. $c=3xx10^8ms^-1$

We also have the expression connecting frequency to energy of photon

$E=hnu$ .......(2)

where $h$ is and is $6.626xx 10^-34 m^2 kg s^-1$
From (1) and (2)
Inserting the constant and given value, after converting wavelength into $m$
$E=6.626xx 10^-34xx(3xx10^8)/0.122$
or $E=1.629xx10^-24J$, rounded to three decimal places.

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