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About $"9.78 keV"$, assuming $100%$ transfer of energy.

The de Broglie wavelength $lambda$ is given by

$lambda = h/p = h/(mv)$,


  • $h = 6.626 xx 10^(-34) "J"cdot"s"$ is .
  • $p = mv$ is the linear momentum in $"kg"cdot"m/s"$, for mass $m$ and velocity $v$.

Given the energy of an X-ray photon as $"100 keV"$, we have:

$E_"photon" = "100 keV" = hnu = (hc)/lambda$

where $nu$ is the frequency of the photon in $"s"^(-1)$ and $c = 2.998 xx 10^(8) "m/s"$ is the speed of light.

And so, we suppose that the photon wavelength is numerically the same as the electron wavelength. I suppose this could occur if one tried to ionize a core electron for X-ray diffraction.

$lambda = (hc)/E_"photon" = h/(p)$

This gives a wavelength of:

$lambda = (6.626 xx 10^(-34) cancel"J"cdotcancel"s" cdot 2.998 xx 10^(8) "m/"cancel"s")/("100 "cancel"k"cancel"eV" xx (1.602 xx 10^(-19) cancel"J")/(cancel"1 eV") xx (1000 cancel"J")/cancel"1 kJ")$

$= 1.240 xx 10^(-11) "m"$

Knowing the wavelength, we consider the kinetic energy expressed as a function of linear momentum:

$K = 1/2 mv^2 = p^2/(2m)$

Thus, with $p = h/lambda$ from the de Broglie relation, and an electron rest mass of $9.109 xx 10^(-31) "kg"$, we have that:

$color(blue)(K) = (h//lambda)^2/(2m)$

$= ((6.626 xx 10^(-34) "kg"cdot"m"^(cancel(2))"/s")/(1.240 xx 10^(-11) cancel"m"))^2/(2 cdot 9.109 xx 10^(-31) cancel"kg")$

$=$ $color(blue)ul(1.567 xx 10^(-15) "J")$

Or perhaps in more useful units...

$1.567 xx 10^(-15) cancel"J" xx (cancel"1 eV")/(1.602 xx 10^(-19) cancel"J") xx ("1 keV")/(1000 cancel"eV")$

$=$ $color(blue)ul("9.782 keV")$

So the X-ray electron has a kinetic energy less than $1//10$th of the energy of an X-ray photon, assuming $100%$ transfer of energy.

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