
Your tool of choice here will be the following equation

$"% error" = (|"accepted value " - " measured value"|)/"accepted value" * 100%$

So what you're looking for here is the absolute value of the difference between the accepted value and the measured value expressed as a percentage of the accepted value.

In your case, you have

  • $"accepted value" = "1.62 g cm"^(-3)$
  • $"measured value" = "1.37 g cm"^(-3)$

Plug this in the equation to get

$"% error" = (|(1.62 - 1.37)color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g cm"^(-3))))|)/(1.62color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g cm"^(-3))))) * 100%$

$color(darkgreen)(ul(color(black)("% error" = 15.4%)))$

The answer is rounded to three .