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  • The balanced chemical equation
  • The molar mass of $"CaCO"_3$
  • The molar ratio of $"CaO"$ to $"CaCO"_3$
  • The molar mass of $"CaO"$

Your strategy has four steps:

  1. Write the balanced chemical equation.
  2. Use the molar mass of $"CaCO"_3$ to calculate the moles of $"CaCO"_3$.
  3. Use the molar ratio of $"CaO"$ to $"CaCO"_3$ from the equation to calculate the moles of $"CaO"$.
  4. Use the molar mass of $"CaO"$ to calculate the mass of $"CaO"$.

Your answer should be about 2.6 kg of $"CaO"$.

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