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What Is Defining Your Relationship?

Defining the relationship (DTR) is an important conversation to have with a romantic partner when you’re ready to move forward with the relationship. DTR-ing outlines the expectations you both have for the relationship and helps you both decide if it’s something you both are interested and committed to.

Steps for Defining Your Relationship

  • Set aside dedicated time to have the conversation.
  • Be honest and open about what you’re looking for.
  • Be attentive and non-judgmental when your partner communicates their needs.
  • Take time to decide if you’re both ready to move forward.
  • Be willing to compromise and reach a mutual agreement.

Things to Consider

It is important to consider both of your expectations and what you are willing to bring into the relationship. Ask yourself questions like: What kind of commitment am I ready for? What are my needs and desires? Am I willing to compromise and be flexible? Do I respect and accept my partner’s needs?


  • Set aside plenty of time to talk and continue to check in throughout the process.
  • Be open and honest about what you’re looking for.
  • Be mindful of your body language and mannerisms during the conversation.
  • Listen to your partner intently and respond thoughtfully.
  • Be mindful of your partner’s emotional needs throughout the discussion.