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Intellectual Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship

Relationships can become boring if they remain stuck in a rut. By challenging one another intellectually, you can add an exciting new dimension to your relationship. Whether it's reading interesting books together, taking a class together, playing a trivia game, or engaging in debates, you can make your relationship much more fun and dynamic. Here are some ideas:

  • Read a book together: Take turns reading passages aloud to each other, discuss what you like or don’t like about the book, and take some time to analyze the plot, characters, themes, etc.
  • Sign up for a class: Short classes or seminars can be a great way to learn something together, or just have an interesting conversation afterwards. Regardless of the topic, a stimulating class could bring some energy into your relationship.
  • Play trivia or word games: Test your knowledge with popular trivia or word games, or make your own game up. You can even focus on interesting topics, like history, literature, geography, politics, etc.
  • Have debates: Exchanging ideas is a fun and stimulating way to bring new conversations into your relationship. Engage in debates on any topics that you find interesting, from social issues to the arts, to science.
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