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Deciding When to Walk Away After Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most difficult issues to cope with in a relationship. The pain, betrayal, anger, confusion, and fear of not being able to trust your partner again can be overwhelming.

If you have experienced infidelity in your relationship, you may be considering walking away. Before taking the steps to do so, it is important to think through the decision and assess how to best move forward.

Things to Consider Before Walking Away

There are several factors to consider before deciding to walk away after infidelity:

  • Your feelings: What are your feelings relating to the situation? Are you mainly filled with anger, hurt, confusion, and other negative emotions, or do you still have love and trust in your relationship? Evaluate your feelings to help assess whether you want to stay in the relationship.
  • Intimacy: Reflect on the level of intimacy in your relationship before and after the infidelity. Have you experienced a disconnection between the two of you, or do you feel closer now?
  • Motivations: Evaluate the motivations of both parties in the relationship. Is there a mutual desire to work on rebuilding the relationship, or is one or both of you just going through the motions?
  • Timeline: Consider how long you have been together and how much you still have to gain from the relationship. Are you able to get past the infidelity, or do you still feel a lingering sense of betrayal?

If you are still uncertain about where to go from here, it may be helpful to speak to a professional therapist. They can help you work through your feelings and assess whether staying in the relationship is the best choice for you.