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How to Plug Walk

Plug walking is a form of street dance that's become increasingly popular, especially among younger generations. Learning how to plug walk can be fun and relatively easy for anyone at any skill level to learn. Here's how to plug walk:

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Bend your knees so that your legs are slightly bent.
  • With your arms bent, begin to bounce your upper body and legs together in an up and down motion.
  • Move your arms in opposite directions by pushing your left arm to the left and your right arm to the right.
  • Gently twist your hips to the left and right as you continue to bounce up and down.
  • Alternate your bounce up and down with side-to-side turns of the feet, in order to create a walking motion.
  • To move forward, place one foot in front of the other in the opposite direction, while you continue to bounce up and down and twist left and right.

If done correctly, plug walking gives the effect of the dancer seemingly “Plugging” along the floor while they dance. Plug walking is an entertaining form of street dancing that doesn't take long to learn or master.

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How to Plug Walk

Plug walking is a dance move that has been popularized in hip-hop music. It requires a lot of practice to perfect, but the following steps can help you get the basics down and start plug walking in your own unique style.


  • Put your dominant foot forward with the toe pointed out and your heel touching the ground.
  • Put your supporting foot back and squarely on the ground with the toe pointed out and the heel off the ground.
  • Extend the arm of your dominant leg straight out and your fingers pointed downward.
  • Shift your weight onto your supporting leg as you lift your dominant leg and bend your knee. Your toe should be pointed out and the heel should be off the ground.
  • Extend the dominant arm upward and the other arm downward as you bring your dominant leg up until it is extended in a comfortable balance.
  • Pause for a moment in the plug walk pose before transitioning into your next dance move.


  • Find a surface that will help you to safely practice, like carpeted floor or a gymnastics mat.
  • Pay attention to your body positioning, including your arms and legs.
  • Practice the move slowly at first, gradually speeding up as you become more comfortable with it.
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