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How to Respond When He Comes Back After Pulling Away

It can be difficult to know how to respond when a man pulls away and then returns. It is natural to be unsure and hesitant to answer, and it is also natural to be hurt or angry. In any case, it is important to take a step back and assess the situation before you respond. Use the following tips to figure out the best way to respond when a man comes back after pulling away.

Steps to Responding to Him

  1. Take some time to consider the situation. Think about how you feel, why he may have pulled away, and how you would like things to be going forward.
  2. Create boundaries. If you are uncertain, wait for him to express his feelings before you jump to conclusions or take things too fast.
  3. Communicate your feelings. You don’t need to be abrasive or confrontational, but let him know how his absence affected you.
  4. Give him an opportunity to explain. Even if you think you know what happened, give him the opportunity to share his side and get clarity on the situation.
  5. Be honest about your needs. Be up front about what you need in order to be happy in the relationship, but recognize that he may not be able to meet all of your needs.
  6. Choose to forgive. If you believe his explanation and find it in your heart to do so, choose to forgive him. Move on from the incident and use it as an opportunity to grow closer.