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Using A Speed Square

Speed Squares are essential tools for carpenters. This simple to use tool enables you to create straight lines quickly and easily, making any DIY projects, repairs, and renovations look polished and professional.

Using a Speed Square Steps Overview

For a successful project, follow the steps below:

  1. Align the speed square along the edge of your material. The angle should be close to a 90-degree angle.
  2. Position the speed square on the edge of the material, near one end.
  3. Gently draw a line along the bottom edge of the speed square, in one direction.
  4. Flip the speed square around and repeat the line drawing in the other direction.
  5. Reposition the tool, slightly further down from the original position, and repeat the task.
  6. Continue repeating the process until you have reached the desired length/width.

Tips for Using Speed Squares

  • Depending on what your project requires, you can use a longer speed square for longer, straighter lines.
  • For best results, make sure the angle is as close to 90-degrees as possible.
  • When making shorter lines, you can use a smaller speed square that works better in smaller spaces.
  • Make sure the speed square is firmly against the material in order to get the most accurate 90-degree angle and straighter lines.
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How to Use a Speed Square

Using a speed square is an essential step to measure and mark angles correctly. Below is a guide to getting the most out of your speed square.

Step 1: Place the Square on the Material

Hold the speed square in line with the material you want to measure. Just press the tool against it as if you were marking a line. Make sure the speed square is at the angle you want to measure.

Step 2: Check the Level

When the speed square is in place, check the level bubble in the plastic part. Make sure it's in the middle of the local so the angle is exact.

Step 3: Make a Mark

If the bubble is level, mark the angle on the material with a pencil. The pencil mark will be where you'll cut the angle.

Step 4: Double-Check the Angle

To double-check the angle, measure the existing angle and the mark you just made. With the speed square, make sure the measurements match.

Step 5: Make the Cut

Make the angled cut with a saw or other tool. Use the pencil mark as your guide. When the cut is finished, double-check the angle with the speed square to ensure accuracy.


  • Make sure to use the right tools for the job. For example, power saws are safer than traditional saws for accurate angled cuts.
  • Tape or clamp the material together, if needed, to make sure it stays secure during the cut.
  • Check local building code guidelines for construction techniques.
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