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Stretching Your Back: A Step-by-Step Guide

Stretching your back, especially after exercise or a long period of inactivity is a great way to keep your spine healthy and reduce the risk of injury. The following guide will help you properly stretch your back muscles and maximize the benefits.

Step One: Start with Gentle Movement

Begin by warming up your muscles and preparing them for stretches. Start with simple exercises like marching in place, walking, or getting down on your hands and knees and arching your back like a cat. Do this series of movements for several minutes.

Step Two: Move into Dynamic Stretching

Once your muscles are loose and warmed up, move on to more dynamic stretches like half moons and standing side bends. Aim for 10-20 reps of each exercise, focusing on moving through your comfort zone but not straining your back.

Step Three: Enter Static Stretching

Next, move into a few static stretches. Lie on your back and gently pull your knee to your chest or sit with one leg extended in front of you and reach for it with the other arm. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds, repeating the sequence up to three times.

Step Four: Finish with a Cool Down

When your stretching session is done, it's time to cool down. Go back to your initial series of gentle movements and complete the circuit, then enjoy the feeling of relaxed muscles.

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