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Removing Duplicates In Open Office Calc

Open Office Calc is a powerful spreadsheet program that makes organizing data easy. But when the same data is entered multiple times, it can be difficult to quickly find what you are looking for. Fortunately, Open Office Calc offers a simple way to quickly remove duplicates, and lets you get back to your work with clean data.


  1. Open your spreadsheet in Open Office Calc.
  2. Select the range of cells that you want to remove duplicates from. Note: If you want to remove duplicates from your entire spreadsheet, select all cells.
  3. Choose Data > Remove Duplicates from the main menu.
  4. Check the box next to the column or columns whose duplicates you want to remove.
  5. Click the Remove Duplicates button. Open Office Calc will then prompt you to confirm that you want to remove the duplicates. Click Yes to confirm.
  6. The duplicates will now be removed from your spreadsheet.
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