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Organizing Your Office

Staying organized is essential to staying productive. Here are some tips to help you keep your office space tidy and efficient:

Clear Your Desk

Start by clearing off surfaces and organizing what remains:

  • Throw away any unnecessary items (e.g. items past their expiration date).
  • Organize all papers and documents into clearly labeled folders.
  • Determine items that should be stored away and find safe storage containers.
  • Consider using vertical space to maximize storage capacity.

Create a System

Once everything is organized, create a system that will help you stay that way:

  • Designate certain places for certain items; get used to putting items back in those places.
  • Schedule regular office cleanups to stay on top of clutter.
  • Organize your schedule and deadlines with a calendar.
  • Make use of digital organization tools.

Start Today

Organizing your office is essential to staying productive. Get started today and reap the benefits of staying organized!

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