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How to Play Office April Fool's Day Pranks

April Fool's Day is the perfect time to play pranks on your co-workers and get your office into the holiday spirit. Whether you're an office prank expert or a beginner, these fun office pranks are sure to get a good laugh. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Use Post-It notes to turn an office wall into a game of "Hangman".
  • Put a rubber band around the sprinkler head in your office to soak everyone with water.
  • Set up a fake web cam above your office or cubicle so your co-workers see someone spying all day.
  • Hide office supplies around the office and leave clues so that everyone can play a scavenger hunt.
  • Replace the refrigerator water filter with a plastic straw to surprise fellow co-workers.
  • Create a looping fart sound and pass it off as the office air conditioner.
  • Sew the cuffs of someone's pants to the bottom of their trousers.
  • Mislabel the coffee mugs with funny quotes that don't fit the owners.
  • Create a phony memo that contains instructions for an impossible task.
  • Place goofy toy figures in unexpected places around the office like on top of the computer monitor.

Remember to keep all of your pranks lighthearted and monitor the reactions of your colleagues. April Fool's Day is a fun holiday, but it should not become a source of stress or upset in the office.

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