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Protecting Grapes from Birds

Birds can be pesky pests when it comes to grapes, but with a few quick tips and tricks, you can keep them away from your precious crop.

Step 1: Cover Your Grapes with Netting

Netting is an inexpensive and effective way to protect your grapes from birds. You can buy netting in garden centers or online, in a variety of sizes and colors. Secure the netting with stakes planted in the ground, anchored with rocks, or attached to walls and fences.

Step 2: Surround Your Vines with Scare Devices

Adding scare devices such as fake owls or rubber snakes to your grape vines can be an effective way to startle birds away. Make sure to move the devices periodically to keep them from getting used to their position. You can also place plastic eagles or hawks around your vineyard or home.

Step 3: Use Lights, Noise, and Movement

Placing motion-activated floodlights, stringing metal pie pans around the vineyard, or playing a recorded bird-scaring sound can be effective ways to keep birds away.

Step 4: Spread Repellents Around Your Grapes

  • Try spreading powdered repellents on your grapes to keep birds away. Look for repellents with ingredients like capsaicin or naphthalene.
  • Another repellent to use is glysophate, commonly found in concentrates and sprays.
  • Or, try your hand at making homemade repellents! Garlic and onion mixtures or chili pepper mixtures can also be used as bird repellents.

Step 5: Monitor Your Vines Regularly

It's important to keep an eye on your vines often. This way, you can spot any birds that may have gotten past your netting or repellents. Birds can do a lot of damage to your grapes in just a short amount of time, so be sure to act quickly if you spot any.

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