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How to Get Rid of Blackbirds

If you'd like to reduce the presence of blackbirds in your yard, there are a few steps you can take that won't hurt other birds. Follow these steps and you'll likely see a decrease in blackbird populations in no time.

Step 1: Get Rid of Any Food Sources

Blackbirds are drawn to potential food sources, so if you want to get rid of them, you'll need to take away any potential food sources you have in your yard. This includes spilled food, birdseed, garbage and pet food.

Step 2: Plant Unappealing Foliage

Blackbirds aren't drawn to all foliage, so you can plant a variety of shrubs and trees they find unappealing. This includes yew, holly, and privet shrubs. Planting evergreen conifers such as junipers or redwoods can also be effective.

Step 3: Provide Natural Predators

Creating a backyard habitat that appeals to natural predators of blackbirds can also be effective at reducing their presence. This includes birds like ospreys, hawks, great horned owls, and kestrels. You can also encourage owls to settle in your area by creating nest boxes and placing them in areas that look safe.

Step 4: Use Visual Repellents

Visual repellents can also help reduce blackbird populations. These include fake owls, balloons and windmills. Simply move them around the yard and the blackbirds should fly away.

Step 5: Use Noise Repellents

Noise repellents can also help reduce the presence of blackbirds. These are devices that produce loud noises to scare blackbirds away. You can also use audio recordings of birds of prey to scare them away.

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