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How to Get Your Crush to Kiss You

Everyone dreams of having a romantic kiss from their crush, yet it can be intimidating to make the first move. With the right combination of confidence, flirting, and understanding your crush’s boundaries, you can start putting the idea of a kiss in their head.


  1. Build intimacy. Spend time getting to know each other and connecting, as it will make your kiss more special. Flirt and have fun, but keep it appropriate. You can also share your feelings about your crush, as long as it doesn't freak them out.
  2. Create the right atmosphere. Find a place to be alone without distractions, like in a park or an empty room. Have a romantic soundtrack in the background that can set the mood and make it special.
  3. Make them feel special. Compliment your crush and tell them how important they are to you. Show your appreciation for their qualities and be honest in expressing your admiration.
  4. Engage them in conversation. Make your crush comfortable by talking about topics like their hobbies or interests. Ensure that the mood is relaxed and you both feel comfortable around each other.
  5. Move closer to your crush. Show your intentions by creating physical closeness. Move close enough in your seating and make gentle physical contact.
  6. Check for signs. Test the waters by observing your crush's reaction. If they seem open or happy, then you can take it to the next step. Don't take it personally if they don't respond the way you want.
  7. Make your move. Connect with your crush with a light peck on the lips. If they don't reject it, you can move on to a longer kiss.


  • Be sure to maintain a romantic atmosphere with soft music and low lights.
  • Be confident and trust in your relationship and what you both share.
  • Be understanding of your crush's boundaries and pay attention to their reactions.
  • Remember to enjoy the moment and savor your kiss!
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