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How to Get a Guy to Kiss You

Getting a guy to kiss you can often be confusing and tricky. Fortunately, there are some great tips that can help you make the right move to make him kiss you. Here are some steps that can help you get a guy to kiss you:

  • Pay attention to his body language. Guys often will make it clear with their body language that they want to kiss you. Paying attention to physical cues can be a major help in getting a guy to kiss you.
  • Invite physical contact. Make it clear that you are interested in physical contact. Touching his arm or casually holding hands can be great ways to show him that you are interested in getting physical.
  • Lean in close. Once you have invited physical contact, make sure you are in close proximity. If you have leaned in close and have invited physical contact, a kiss is likely not far off.
  • Be confident. Nothing will turn a guy off more quickly than if you seem hesitant to kiss. Exude confidence and show him that you would like him to make a move.

By understanding how to interpret a guy’s body language, inviting physical contact, getting in close proximity, and displaying confidence, you can have a better chance of getting the guy to kiss you.

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