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9 Things That Happen When You Kiss Someone You Love

Kissing someone you love is a unique, special experience. It can be full of emotion and bring a sense of closeness and bonding that is unlike any other. From physical reactions to emotional ones, here are 9 things that can happen when you kiss someone you love:

  • Your heart rate and breathing increases.
  • Your senses may become heightened.
  • You may experience a tingling sensation along your skin.
  • Your pupils may dilate.
  • Your brain releases oxytocin and other "feel-good" chemicals.
  • Your cortisol levels may decrease.
  • You may feel relaxed and content.
  • You may experience a rush of emotion and with it, a feeling of warmth.
  • Your bond with the other person may become stronger.

Kissing the one you love can be a beautiful, indescribable experience!

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