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How to Get Your Crush to Fall for You...Even if She's Already Taken

Wanting to get your crush to like you can be tough if they're already taken. If you think you have a chance with them, then there are steps you can take to make it happen. Here are some tips to help get your crush to fall for you:

  1. Be Kind & Considerate – It’s very important to show your crush kindness and respect. Don’t be overly enthusiastic, but make sure you are cordial when you interact with them. If they see that you are a genuinely kind person, they might start to think of you as a potential romantic partner.
  2. Make Yourself Attractive – Working on your physical appearance can give you an edge. Hit the gym, get a new outfit, and practice good hygiene. Being attractive can help make a potential relationship more attractive to your crush.
  3. Be a Good Friend – It might be daunting to cast aside your feelings for a while, but you need to do it if you want your crush to think of you in a romantic light. Show them that you care about their feelings and are genuinely interested in who they are as a person. They will be more likely to open up and develop feelings for you.
  4. Give Them Space – This is a tough one, but you need to respect the fact that your crush has feelings of their own, and that it might not be easy for them to move on from the person they are with. Be patient and give them some space if needed.
  5. Be Adventurous – Show your crush that you are an adventurous person who is up for anything. Taking them out on a fun date or suggesting a spontaneous activity could help your chances of winning them over.
  6. Keep Things Positive – Trying to win someone’s heart can be a long process. It’s important to stay positive throughout the process, and not give in to feelings of despair and hopelessness. Your crush will be more drawn to you if you remain upbeat and positive.
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