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Finding an Air Conditioning Leak

It's important to check your home's air conditioner for any signs of a leak. Leaks can be dangerous and can reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning unit. Follow these steps to locate and address any potential leaks in your air conditioning system.


  1. Check the inside and outside of the unit for any physical signs of a leak such as visible moisture, rust or discoloration that could indicate rust.
  2. If you can't find any physical signs of a leak, look at the hoses or pipes that run to the unit for any signs of moisture, texture or color.
  3. Inspect the exterior of your unit and check for any dirt or dirt buildup on the exterior, which can lead to a leak.
  4. If you can't find any signs of a leak, look at the drain pipes. A clogged or overflowing drain pipe can lead to a water leak.
  5. Contact a professional to inspect the unit for any other potential sources of a leak.
  6. Once the source of the leak is identified, take the necessary steps to fix it as soon as possible to keep your air conditioner running correctly.
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