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How to Detect an Underground Water Leak

If you suspect there is an underground water leak on your property, it is important to take the proper steps to locate and resolve the problem quickly. Leaky pipes can cause water damage to the property, and lead to larger repairs. Follow these instructions to determine if you have an underground water leak and take the necessary measures to repair it.

Step 1: Inspect the Home for Signs of Leaks

First, inspect your home for signs of a leak. Elevated water bills are one of the most common clues of an underground water leak. Check your yard for any patches of unusually lush or green grass, and look for any damp or muddy areas. Additionally, check inside your home for any water stains, wet walls, or mold and mildew.

Step 2: Investigate for Leaks in the Plumbing System

If you still think there may be a water leak, it is important to locate the exact source. Begin by checking the plumbing fixtures, including the sink, tub/shower, and toilets. Ensure they are all fully closed and then wait for a few hours to see if the water meter changes. If it does, it is likely you have a plumbing system leak. Next, check the hose bibs outside your home to ensure they are turned off and not leaking.

Step 3: Use a Water Meter to Check for Underground Leaks

If all the fixtures appear to be off and secure, you may have an underground water leak. To confirm this, you will need to contact your local water provider. They will send a technician to your property to install a water pressure gauge on the main line that will help them detect a water leak underground. The technician can measure the pressure in the water supply line and determine if there is any evidence of a leak.

Step 4: Use a Leak Detection Kit to Confirm the Source of the Leak

Once your local water provider has confirmed there is a leak, you will need to use a leak detection kit to locate the exact source. You can buy these kits online and use a base conductor, or a chemical power probe if you have metal pipes. If the pipes are plastic, you will need specialized equipment and should hire a professional technician. Once you have identified the source, you will need to repair or replace the pipe immediately.

Step 5: Contact an Expert to Help You Repair the Pipe

Once you have located and turned off the leaky pipe, it is time to replace it. If it is a plumbing system pipe, it is best to contact a licensed plumbing expert to handle the job. They will check the pipes and any fixtures for further damage and ensure the repair is properly done. If the leak is in the main line, you will also need to seek professional help.


Taking the time to detect an underground water leak is important to avoid costly repairs and water damage to your home. If you notice any signs of a potential leak, follow these steps to locate and fix it quickly. If you are unsure or want to confirm your findings, contact a professional investigator or plumber to help you properly identify and repair the problem.

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