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Tips to Improve Braking on Ice

Braking on ice can be extremely dangerous and requires quick reflexes, knowledge of skid control, and planning in order to safely operate a vehicle in icy conditions. The following tips can help you gain the knowledge and reactions needed to stay safe on icy roads:

Steer Into a Skid and Don't Hit the Brakes

When you begin to skid on ice, the most important thing to remember is to steer into the skid. This will help reduce the likelihood of fishtailing or going off the road. As soon as you feel your vehicle start to skid, ease your hands from the steering wheel and do not hit the brakes - the brakes can cause you to lose control of the car. Turn the wheel in the direction that the back of the car is going, and feed the wheel with slight pressure to help straighten the car out.

Look Ahead and Plan Your Movements

Even when you are driving at a safe speed, icy roads can still catch you off guard. To keep your reactions quick, scan ahead and look for areas where there is potential for slippery roads. This can help you anticipate any icy patches so that you can be ready to slow down or react quickly if you experience a skid.

Anticipate and Use Low Gears

Before starting off on an icy road, anticipate that you will need to slow down more quickly than on other roads. To help with stopping quickly, downshift into a lower gear. This helps to slow down the car more quickly and with more control. This practice will come in handy in situations where you have to stop quickly to avoid an obstacle.

Clean Off Your Tires

Ice buildup on your tires can affect your car's ability to grip the road. Before driving on icy roads, take a few minutes to clean off any buildup so that your tires can grip the surface better. Once you're on the road, check your tires periodically and make sure that they are still clean and gripping the surface.

Practice Skid Control

The best way to prepare for icy roads is to practice skid control in different road conditions. Find some empty roads or parking lots and practice skidding and recovering in different situations. This will help you learn how to control your car in slippery conditions before you are on a road with other cars and pedestrians.

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