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Scheduling an Email in Mozilla Thunderbird

Mozilla Thunderbird provides a convenient way to schedule emails for the future. You can easily send an email at a specific time without having to be awake and online. Here's how to do it:

  1. Create a new email message in Thunderbird.
  2. Write out the email message as you normally would.
  3. Go to the File menu and select Schedule Send/Receive.
  4. Set the desired date and time to send the email.
  5. Click OK to complete the action and return to the message.
  6. Send the message as usual.

The specified time for the email to be sent is set in the local time of your device. For example, if you're in the US but you're sending the email to a recipient in Europe, be sure to adjust for the appropriate time difference.

Once you've set the scheduled send/receive time, Thunderbird will send the email at the appointed time regardless of whether you are logged in and online. With this convenient scheduling option, you don't need to worry about missing sending an important email at the right time!

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