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Splitting Hardwood Firewood

Many homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts are enjoying the advantages of burning hardwood firewood as a source of heat and energy. The process of splitting firewood can be completed with the help of a few simple tools.

Things You'll Need

  • Gloves
  • Saw
  • Axe, splitter, or maul
  • Safety glasses

Step 1. Organize Your Work Area

Assemble the pieces of firewood in an area away from any hazardous objects. Make sure to give yourself enough room to work and enough seating so that you can rest periodically while splitting. It is important to have a steady ground surface on which to work.

Step 2. Prepare to Split

Wear safety glasses and gloves before starting to split. Have a first-aid kit nearby in case of an emergency. Organize your firewood in small piles of similar sizes.

Step 3. Split the Wood

Set up the log in a secure and leveled area. Start by using the saw and make an angle to the desired size, or cut it in half. Insert the blade in the middle of the log and cut it in two. If the log is too big for the saw, then you may use the axe, splitter, or maul. Make sure to strike the log in the center first, then work your way towards one side. When you are done splitting, tidy the pieces and stack them for later use.

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